目前分類:英文專區 (8)

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今天我們要講的習慣用語有一個共同的詞:push. 這個詞的意思是「推」。我們要學的第一個習慣用語是:push around. Push somebody around這個短語從字面解釋就是把一個人推得團團轉。你在學校的操場上有時會看到大男孩把小個子男孩當胸一推。他是在尋釁打架。我們也可以說: He's pushing him around. 不知有沒有人也在把你push around? 你可能會說沒這回事,因為你已經不小了,但是push around並不光是指肢體行動或者動武,有時辦公室的上級不必動手也會把下級push around. 他的手段可能是高聲喝令,或者為了雞毛蒜皮的小事動不動就發脾氣等等。我們接下來要看的就是這樣一個例子:

例句-1: I'm sick of Mr. Jones pushing us around. I'm going to find another job, and when I do, I'll go in and tell him what I think of him and then slam the door on my way out.


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Job description

There are three types of trader: proprietary, flow (market makers), and sales. Flow traders buy and sell products on the financial markets for the bank's clients. Products include securities and other assets such as futures, options and commodities. They make prices and execute trades, seeking to maximise assets or minimise financial risk. Proprietary traders trade on behalf of the bank itself. Their aim is to buy low and sell high. They do this by analysing economic data, technical analysis, experience, cross-asset correlations and identifying undervalued and overvalued prices. Sales traders deal directly with clients, providing market information, execution and promoting new financial ideas to clients. They are intermediaries between the client and the market maker.

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A film review by Christopher Null - Copyright © 2010 Filmcritic.com

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最近幾個月,我才知道CNN, BBC是免費英語資源很好用的網站!

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Even if we confine our study to a brief span of years, there are countless individuals whose efforts to improve conditions in their communities, countries, or on a global scale deserve attention. This Newsletter pays tribute to the accomplishments of a few important humanitarians and civil leaders from Asia, the Middle East and Northern Africa whose influence was internationally recognized in the twentieth century. 

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